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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor: A few weeks ago a friend of mine, Virgi Laska, in her “This ‘n That” corner in the Sentinel, said: “I stand for the flag and the National Anthem, and I kneel only for God.” Well, I agree with Virgi, and I hold high honor for her. When I recite the Pledge of Allegiance, I include the words “One nation, under God” in there! I stand for the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, Taps, and the flag of the United States of America, and I kneel only for the Creator, who is God! My hat’s off to you, Virgi! Also, a few weeks ago I went through several days where everything I touched turned to butter.
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Dear Editor: This month marks a third of this year with a Stockton address after fleeing my home in Johnson County when the pandemic first hit this spring. Details are in the most recent Stockton Chamber of Commerce newsletter by long-time friend Jayne Prockish, Executive Director of the Chamber, if you’re interested.
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Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor: I had a collision with a deer on Highway 24, about five miles west of town, on the 9th of July, and I wanted to say “thank you” to those who stopped to check on my brother and me. Several people stopped to see if we were alright, and my brother called 911 for asswistance.